This week, Pownal Independent School went to the 4-H day at the Cumberland Fair. We each had a booklet that our teacher made that had activities for each barn. For example, in the rabbit barn we had to tally the different breeds of rabbits. The most popular breed was the Satin, but the Netherland Dwarf was a close second. One of my favorite breeds was the Lionhead. I also liked the Miniature Lop. We also looked at the cows. There, we got to draw our favorite cow (or calf in my case), looking for the differences in the breeds. We also visited the poultry, the goats, the sheep, and the horses. After watching some Oxen pulling, we headed to lunch and a look around the agricultural museum.
Today we had Latin, Logic, Ethics, and Independent and Life Skills Math. In Latin, we played "Vinco" ("wink-o" which means "I conquer") which is the Latin version of Bingo. The teacher would call out a word, and if she says a word in English, you looked for the Latin word on your card. If you had it, you crossed it out. If she called out the Latin word, you looked for the English. In Life Skills Math, we learned about credit and how fast interest and penalties add up on a credit card. We made our own credit cards, and we had to figure out how to pay our school and house bills. Should we use a loan or a credit card? In Logic we learned about the problems with general statements and the differences between counter-statements.
Today in Spelling we had a spelling test. After that, we played a game to help us learn our new spelling words. Before that, we had Grammar. We reviewed subjects, finite verb phrases, and modal verbs. Next week, we're learning direct and indirect objects and predicate nouns and predicate adjectives. In Reading Comprehension, we are reading the story about Joseph and his brothers in Egypt. Each time we have Reading Comp., we draw a picture to add to our wall timeline. Word Derivation is the next class. We learned the derivations of "do" ("I give"=donate, donation), "creo" ("I believe"=credibility, credit), "clamo" ("I shout"=clamor), "terra" ("earth"=terrestrial, territory), "avis" ("bird"=aviary, aviation), etc. ("et cetera"=and all the others). At the end of the day we had Writing. I wrote this blog. Able worked on the writing prompt, and Sarah worked on her novel. Tomorrow we go to the Co-op, and on Friday we go to our internships (which is really fun!). I get to work at a daycare! My favorite subjects are probably Grammar and Spelling. That's it for the week!
P.S. Thank you to Carol, our lunch lady, who makes us awesome lunches every day!
Written by Sophie (student)