Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week Five

 This week we had some interesting classes that all of us loved. First class was Independent Math. We are still doing fractions with Life of Fred. Next class was Ethics. In ethics we learned about courage and trust. We were partnered up with different people and one person had to guide the other, by voice, while the other was blindfolded. The tricky part was the guider had to guide their partner through a maze of mouse traps. Luckily we had gloves on and no one got hurt. Next we did Logic. We learned about "Proof" by lack of a counter-example. This means that if you don’t have a counter-example it doesn’t necessarily mean that the statement is true. In Latin we learned our second conjunction. (-o , -s, -t, -mus, -tis, -nt.) We also played Vinco(Pronounced winco), my favorite game. We also caught up on what Minimus the mouse was up to.
Our first class was history. We learned about Otzi the iceman and learned who he was, and his cause of death. We also learned about the first city, Jericho. Next we learned about the Nile, Tigris, and the Euphrates rivers and the first farming communities in Geography. In science we learned about what overpopulation can do to a habitat and the animals living there. To understand it completely we played a game called ‘Oh Deer!’ It’s a game where you have twenty-five generations. You start off with three deer and one wolf. The wolf has to touch three deer to live. With every living animal it produces one offspring, including the deer. At the end of the day we wrapped up with more Independent Math.
Our first class was Spelling. In spelling we played Spengo(Bingo, but spelling Bingo) with our old words. Then we had a spelling test with our new words and our word derivatives. If we got any letter or answer wrong our teacher pelted a tennis ball at us. You would think that’s harsh but it helped us spell better. For example, terrestrial was one spelling word. If you spelled it terestial the teacher yelled NO and threw the tennis ball at you. Now we know to study more. Also our new spelling words were passed out. Next was reading comprehension. We read where Joseph accepts his family back to Egypt. We also read a story about a stubborn pharaoh and the ten plagues. Then we learned about predicate nouns, predicate adjectives and direct and indirect objects in Grammer. This is one sentence we had to do. Can you tell which is the subject, verb and PN (Predicate Noun)? You are my little brother, and I am your good little sister. (Hint: Look carefully) Writing was the last subject and right now Sophie is writing her novel, Able is writing about the writing prompt and I’m writing this blog. Tomorrow is Co-op and Friday is internship day! Next week will be a killer. (Literally)
Written by Sarah Cyr. (Student)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Sarah, you have a sharp wit and delightfully dry sense of humor. And good luck with your Latin, B.F. Skinner would be proud.
