Friday, December 2, 2011

Week 12 and 13

Last week we had a “Best Of” week. That means we got to pick what subjects we wanted to do and when. On Monday, we chose: (in order) Life Skills Math, Writing and Reading Comp. Then for Tuesday, we chose: (in order) History and Science. It was great to be able to pick what we wanted to have our subjects be. In Reading Comp. we read The Epic of Gilgamesh. Believe it or not, the version that we read was awesome! (It wasn’t the original version you’d read in High School. You know, the one that made no sense). On Tuesday in History, we got to make our objects that we picked last week in a Sumerian style. Mine object was a spoon, (first thing that popped into my head) Able’s was weapons, (Boys. Figures.) Sarah’s was transportation, (I cannot wait to compare all the different types of wagons) and Mommy’s was dolls (their dolls were actually cute). So each time in History that we get into another time period we make another one of our objects in the style of that time. It’s really fun!

Finally, we’re into this week. On Monday, we had Life Skills. But this week it was better than EVER! It was awesome! Instead of rolling the dice, we each had our own problem. What we each had to do was make a Powerpoint, Prezi, Keynote or something that was like that. In it, we have to have at least five slides about our job. I need to make an outline for a sitcom that would make people want to watch my show instead of those other boring shows that are the same plot every single time. Therefore, I’m making a trailer for my show that’s about a nerd girl, (played by me) and her genius younger brother. (played by my younger brother, Able)

In Reading Comp, we finished reading Greek myths. In Ethics, we studied gratitude, and watched an Exiled. Exiled is about 18+ year olds who are spoiled brats, and are sent to third world countries for a week. They’re pretty funny. We also had Latin. We reviewed what we learned and played Latin charades, where we got a word and we had to guess (in Latin) what people were acting out. On Tuesday, we finished Gilgamesh.L Then in Science, we went out a found a bunch of moss samples. When we went back inside, we tried to identify them all. We got pretty close. In History, we finished up Mesopotamia and Sumer, and we began our unit on Ancient Egypt. On Wednesday we did grammar, where we had a diagramming race, (it was really fun) and got 14 min. on the first try and 6 min. on the second. Then we had a spelling test. But instead of just writing the words, we played hangman spelling. If we spell a word right, we erase a part of someone else’s body. But if we don’t get it right, then we don’t erase anything. (By the way, Able won). After that, we got our new words and derivatives. Next, up we had writing. We each worked on our own project for an hour.

On Thursday, we went to Co-op and had a great time! And today (Friday) we had our internships. I can’t tell you how much I love my internship! One of the babies has started standing up and taking some steps by himself! Today was the first time I saw him do that, and I was so excited! Anyways these last two weeks have been really fun! I can’t wait for next week!

Written by Sophie Kaplan

P.S. Come see Santa’s Reindeer Review at the Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine! For all ages. December 9-23. It’s going to be great! And if you happened to see it last year, come again. You’re in for a surprise! Hope to see you there! For more information or to purchase tickets go to -Sophie

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