Friday, January 6, 2012

Week 17

Hi, this is Able. I'm happy to be back at school because I love the subjects, especially Life Skills Math and Reading Comprehension.

I got a C average on my mid terms. I want to work harder next time. This week we read the Iliad which is a really good story. It's as good as the Epic of Gilgamesh. This week we also went over our mid term tests to review what we got wrong. We also paid our monthly bills and worked on our projects in Life Skills Math. Our project is to make a presentation for a travel agency about Pownal. In the project, we have to make a model of a place in Pownal, and we have to pick 5 places in town to write about. We also got new words in Latin, and I won this week's Spelling and Derivation quiz.

I have a test for you. Here are 10 questions.
1. What does perissodactyl mean?
2. "Perissodactyl" is an English word. It is a derivation of which Latin word, and what does that Latin word mean?
3. What does pinniped mean? Which Latin word and meaning is it derived from?
4. What is a symbiotic relationship?
5. What symbiotic relationship creates lichen?
6. Name 3 Trojans and 6 Greeks from the Iliad.
7. Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
8. Homer's real name was Melesigines. Why was he called Homer?
9. Diagram this sentence: Our French class and the teacher are taking a trip to beautiful Paris.
10. What is the difference between catagorical and consequential ethics? Was the God of the Old Testament a catagorical or consequential moralist?

Next week we'll pick the top 10 winners to play again. The week after that, we'll pick 3 winners. The last week, we'll pick the final winner. The final winner gets to visit our school! In next week's blog, I will answer these questions. Comment your answers below. By the way, I love China. Goodbye. From Able Henry Kaplan

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Able. I am looking forward to the answers next week.
