Friday, January 13, 2012

Week 18

Hi this Able again. What happened to you guys? The answers are:
1. "Perissodactyl" is a hooved animal with an uneven amount of toes.
2. It comes from "perisus" which is Latin for "uneven".
3. "Pinniped" comes from two Latin words: "Pinnus" which means "fin" and "pes" which means foot. A pinniped is an animal from the water that uses its fins as feet on dry ground.
4. A symbiotic relationship is when two things depend on each other to live well.
5. Lichen is made up of algae and fungus.
6. Trojans: Paris, Hector, Priam Greeks: Achilles, Diomedes,Meneleus, Agammenon, Teucer, Ajax the Greater
7. Homer wrote those stories.
8. Homer is called Homer because that was what they called blind people in ancient Greece.
9. I tried to put the diagram on this blog but it came up in codes. So, I'll tell you what everything is: subjects are "class" and " teacher" combined by a conjunction; the verb is "are taking"; the prepositional phrase is "to beautiful Paris"; the object of the preposition is "Paris"; "trip" is direct object; adjectives are "our, French, the, a," and "beautiful".
10. Categorical ethics is when you believe that there are rules that can't be changed no matter what. If you believe that people should go to jail if they kill someone no matter what the situation is, that is categorical thinking. Consequential is when you think that not all situations should be handled the same way. If you think that most people should go to jail if they kill someone except in cases of self-defense or protecting a baby or something like that, then you are a consequential thinker. God in the Old Testament is definitely a categorical thinker. One example is when Moses tapped the rock twice instead of once (which was what God told him to do). God told him he would be punished by never getting to the Promised Land. There are a bunch of other examples, too.

That's all I have for today. Goodbye. Able Henry Kaplan

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